
BAC wishes to promote strong, high-quality independent higher and further education and training. It is our belief that the accreditation of institutions against standards based on the best current UK practice can contribute to that aim. BAC sees itself as being a leading practitioner in the provision of internationally recognised accreditation and related consultancy services in the field of higher and further education and training.


BAC aims to provide globally respected and rigorous inspection-based accreditation to enhance the standards and quality of independent further and higher education and training providers. BAC also aims to be recognised by the UK and overseas governments as an influential voice on standards and quality for the independent education sector.

In addition to providing clear guidance to prospective students, we want to encourage continuous improvement in the general standard and quality of independent further and higher education in the UK and internationally. While BAC is not a membership organisation, and must maintain an objective distance from institutions to preserve the value of its accreditation, we are nevertheless dedicated to helping colleges in their efforts for continual improvement.